Make it stand out
Here are some other experiences that shape who I am and how I work:
-I was a highly sensitive “gifted” kid who received a surprise scholarship to leave high school a year early. In what would have been my senior year of high school, I assisted with some of the earliest brain-mapping research in the world. We were figuring out where/how pain is processed in the brain and my sensitive nature prompted me to ask participants a question that revealed more than expected in the study.
-After that, I went to Boston College where I connected with two young, brilliant, divergent-thinking professors who influenced how I understand everything. One is a neuroscientist who went on to develop the Theory of Constructed Emotion. The other taught comparative religion classes. I later discovered he is a Tibetan Lama. He developed the meditation practices I teach.
-I developed an evidence-based, trauma-informed healing modality specifically for clients with complex trauma that was used in top mental health facilities.
-I’ve been one of the earliest voices for the consideration of cultural, systemic, and institutional oppression when treating individuals ..because I’ve had to navigate healing these wounds within systems that traditionally deny the existence or impact of -isms.
Like you, the way I see things is unique, I’m complex …and this is what makes us elite. Let’s lean into it together to discover how high we can climb.