Private Coaching

Jona’s offers three private coaching program options for elite athletes

Focus & Flow Integration™

Your time in the game is precious and the stakes are high. Year-long coaching provides you with the critical scaffolding you need to be your best throughout the year. This means you have built-in support for when challenges arise, you’ll address personal and relational issues before they turn into problems, you’ll learn new coping skills when the time is right, and you have a current propelling you towards success.

This work is designed to energetically metabolize the daily demands of your high-performance life while healing past experiences that create distractions or block the fullest expression of your gifts.

Following the flow of the NFL schedule, you’ll experience Performance Coaching that is customized and flexible. I consider your immediate needs, your unique and complex past, where you are now, and where you want to go.

Schedule a call with Jona to learn more

NFL Coach-

“Wow, I don't even know where to begin when I start to think about the work Jona and I have done over the past 9 months. I began this journey wanting to heal from past traumas and to walk in an empowered state of confidence in my profession and in life. I can honestly say that I feel healed and at peace from the things that Jona helped me process and work through.

She has an elite ability to connect with clients and give them a safe space to be themselves. It is difficult for me to trust people and she quickly broke down those barriers the first time I met her

NFL Coach-

(continued) I have become more confident in myself each and every time I meet with Jona. She knows how to challenge you and help you grow into a level of yourself that you did not even think was possible.

She also is gifted in holding space for you when difficult things arise during your journey of working together. There were several things that popped up during our first program together and she would take a detour on what we were working towards to help me process and handle these challenges…

NFL Coach-

(continued) Jona is someone I consider a part of my team and inner circle and that I trust completely. She is a pivotal part of my success as a coach and I will definitely continue to keep her a part of my team moving forward.

I would not be the coach I am called to be without Jona, my current and future successes as a coach can be attributed to her. I consider her a gift from God. She is ELITE and extremely gifted in the work that she does. I would encourage anyone that has the opportunity to work with Jona to take a chance and invest themselves. You won't regret it !!”